Next on the list
This is the next project. I am posting the before pics and then once finished I'll post the in progress and after.
We are ripping all this wallpaper down in the upstairs hall and stair well. Theres some area sof the wall that need to be patched, and then we're painting.
Then oh that lovely 1960's faux pink marble plastic tiling in the bathroom has got to go!
This is the kids bathroom how we found it. The striped curtain here is hiding where about 6-7 plastic tiles fell off the wall exposing the plaster. I mean I couldn't tell there was an issue...could you? Doesn't everyone hang a shower curtain in the back of the tub????
We're ripping it all out, the floor, ceiling, walls, toilet, sink. The only thing staying is the tub thats in great shape but all the fixtures, lights everything is being changed.
We are tiling, with actual ceramic tiles, the tub/shower area. We have to install shut off valves for everything here as there are none. A new hanging lav and faucet, new fixture sin tub and a new toilet, Then painting the walls and accesorising.
Miek claims this is a weekend job, I claim Mike is out of his mind. Who will win this bet?